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under the influence artinya

contoh kalimat "under the influence"
  • I think my wife is... under the influence of a ghost.
    Kupikir, istriku telah di rasuki.
  • He put them under the influence of a drug
    Dia membuat mereka di bawah pengaruh obat-obatan
  • Those men, they were under the influence of something.
    Orang-orang itu, mereka di bawah pengaruh sesuatu.
  • I think it's illegal, driving under the influence of blindness.
    Kurasa itu ilegal, orang buta menyetir.
  • Our little planet is under the influence of a star.
    planet kecil kami di bawah pengaruh bintang.
  • Please don't say such crazy things while under the influence of alcohol!
    benda ini siap untuk pergi!
  • I was under the influence
    Aku berada di bawah pengaruh campuran ganja yg cukup ampuh
  • Under the influence, yes, but not alcohol, hollow points.
    Dia memang minum, tapi penyebabnya bukan alkohol, penembakan.
  • Watch whether he under the influence of drugs or not.
    Lihat dia kecanduan apa tidak
  • He came under the influence of Johann Gottfried Schadow.
    Quadriga dibuat oleh Johann Gottfried Schadow.
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